Monday, August 29, 2011

Tall Ship's Race

We had such fun on saturday, We went to see Tall Ships Race 2011. The whole river was loaded with sailships. It was beautiful! If you ask the kids, what's the best part of the day, maybe was sitting on the grass eating ice cream and watching capoera show would be their choice though :D. 
My beautiful crew on board.
Mun kaunis miehistö Mir-laivan kannella

The weather was perfect too! Maybe it was the last day of summer, because we're in September soon, and usually the weather gets dramatically colder in the autumn.

Oli tosi hauska päivä lauantaina. Oltiin katsomassa joella Tall Ship's Racea. Oli hienon näköistä, kun koko joki oli täynnä purjelaivoja. 

Jos lapsilta kysytään, oli paras hetki kuitenkin varmaan se, kun istuttiin nurmikolla syömässä jäätelöä ja katsottiin capoera showta.. Ilmakin oli tosi kaunis ja lämmin. Mahtoikohan olla viimeinen kesäpäivä, kun syyskuussa usein viilenee nopeasti.

Friday, August 26, 2011

haaaaaaaaaaa.. he scores! se tekee maaaaalin!

I've got a boy, who's soooooooooooo into soccer. And Messi. So now that the girls go to school, I sometimes take him to the football field. He is only five, and next year he'll be able to join a football team inshaAllah. Yesterday we spent three hours on the football field and he had so much fun! He is such a cute little guy mashaAllah, my best friend, and keeps me company while the others are not home. May Allah bless him! Ameen

Heh, mulla on täällä poika, joka on toooooooooooosi innostunut jalkapallosta. ja Messistä :D. Nyt kun tytöt on taas päivisin koulussa, me mennään silloin tällöin jalkapallokentälle. Poika on vasta viisivuotias, ja ensi vuonna inshaAllah pääsee mukaan nappulaliigaan. Eilen oltiin kolme tuntia futiskentällä ja pojalla oli niiiiin hauskaa. Ja oikeestaan äidillä myös. Niin ihana, söötti pieni poika ja mun paras ystävä ja pitää mulle seuraa, kun muut on pois kotoa. Jumala siunatkoon häntä Ameen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

There they went. Sinne ne sit meni..

So, this morning I took the girls to school. They were nervous, but as soon as we got there, Donjana disappeared with her friends and went to her class.. That much about nervousness.. Deena and I stayed waiting for the teachers to come and get the first graders. 

The teachers came and started to call kids by names, one by one. Deena was on the third group, so she had to wait a little, all nervous. Finally her turn came and she went to the queue with her new class room mates. alhamdulilah there was some that she knew already from the pre-school.

The kids left inside with the teachers, and I left home. In tears lol :D.

At noon I went back to get the girls home. It was pouring sooooo much! Alhamdulilah i had the car so I didn't get too wet.. Donjana came with some our neighbor girls. I told them all to come with our car and stay under the rain shelter while we were waiting for Deena. I was also looking for more neighbor kids to come with us, but found only one boy. The rain was so hard I would have tried to put all the kids in our car if possible. Then Deena came and we drove home with 5 kids and I in the car. Later I heard that one of the kids I didn't see got soooo wet, his new books and phone and all..

My both girls were happy and enjoyed the first day. Deena had gotten her ABC book, Donjana didn't have any books yet.  Deena was carrying the book around with her the rest of the day and she already read a few pages from the beginning. she was mad because they didn't get homework :D . Donjana had been nervous about getting a new teacher, but he ended up tp be very nice mashaAllah. Deena was so super excited that she couldn't really give me any description of her day, her stories came out allll messed up :D . Alhamdulilah everything went well with both of my girls on their first day!

Tänä aamuna vein tytöt kouluun. Molemmat olivat hermostuneita, mutta heti kun päästiin perille, Donjana lähti kavereinen ja meni luokkaansa. Jäätiin Deenan kanssa pihalle odottamaan opettajia, jotka pitäisivät nimenhuudon ja jakaisivat oppilaat kolmeen eri ryhmään.

Deena kutsuttiin vasta viimeiseen ryhmään, joten tyttö oli aika hermona kun joutui odottamaan. Sanaakaan ei siitä kyllä sanonut, kuunteli vaan nimiä korva tarkkana. Vihdoinkin Deenan vuoro tuli ja hän liittyi jonoon luokkatovereidensa kanssa. Onneksi tuli ryhmään myös tuttuja lapsia esikoulusta.

Oppilaat lähtivät sisälle ja mä tippa linssissä kotiin.

Puolen päivän aikaan lähdin hakemaan tyttöjä kotiin. Satoi kuin saavista kaataen. siis todella kovaa.. jo parin metrin matkalla autoon kastui aika hyvin. Mut onneks ees oli auto, ettei koko kilsaa tarvinnut kävellä.. 

Donjana tuli aika pian kavereidensa, muutamien naapurintyttöjen kanssa. Sanoin, että otan tytöt kyytiin ja pyysin heitä odottamaan katoksen alla etteivät kastu. Odottelimme Deenaa ja samalla katselin, josko löytyis lisää naapurien lapsia, mutta löytyi vain yksi poika. Olisin yrittänyt saada kaikki mahtumaan autoon, koska sade oli niin kova. Vihdoin Deena tuli. Ajoin kotiin 5 lasta kyydissäni. Myöhemmin kuulin, et yks naapurin pojista oli kastunut tosi pahasti, uudet kirjatja puhelinkin kastuneet läpimäräks.

Molemmat tytöt oli tosi iloisia ja olivat nauttineet ekasta koulupäivästä. Deena oli jo saanut aapisen, Donjanalla ei vielä ollut yhtään kirjaa. Deena lukikin jo aapisesta monta sivua, vaikkei ollut tullut läksyä (olisi kuulemma pitänyt tulla :D ). Donjana oli ollut tosi huolissaan siitä, että tulee uusi opettaja, mutta loppujen lopuks opettaja olikin ollut hirmu mukava. Deena oli niin intona, ettei pystynyt kuvailemaan ekaa päivää oikein mitenkään, ja kulki koko loppupäivän aapinen kädessä ympäri kotia. Kiva kun kaikki meni ensimmäisenä päivänä hienosti molemmilta tytöiltä.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

tomorrow is a big day! huomenna on suuri päivä!

School starts tomorrow. Donjana is going on the third grade and my little Deena on the first. Time flies so fast:.. Feels like she was born yesterday.

That night when she was born I was quite weak. I had lost some blood and they told me to stay in bed. I had Deena next to me. It was a private room, so there was no other company. Not that I needed that anyway! And something amazing happened. She gave me a biiiig smile, just like that! I tell you sisters, it wasn't just her face movements from pain in stomach, like many people have said. She smiled! I know it! Even her eyes were smiling! For a moment I thought she wants to say something. She looked like she knows so much more than me! MashaAllah my beautiful little girl!

So tomorrow will be a really exciting day. InshaAllah she will love it!

Koulu alkaa huomenna. Donjana menee kolmannelle ja mun pieni Deena menee ekaluokalle! Tuntuu kuin vasta eilen Deena ois syntynyt ja nyt se on jo iso tyttö!

Sinä yönä kun Deena syntyi, olin aika heikko koska olin menettänyt paljon verta, ja mut määrättiin vuodelepoon. Olin yksityishuoneessa, seuranani ainoastaan pikkuruinen Diinukka. Ei silti, en olis muuta seuraa kyllä kaivannutkaan. Sitten tapahtui jotain aivan uskomatonta! Deena katsoi mua silmiin ja väläytti ihan oikean hymyn! Ei ollut mitään mahanpuruja tai tahdotonta suun vääntelyä, vaan hymy! Ihan silmissä asti! Pienen hetken näytti jopa siltä, et Deena aikois sanoa jotakin. Ja hän näytti siltä, kun tietäisi niin paljon enemmän, kuin minä. MashaAllah mun pikku Deena! 

Huomenna on siis tosi jännä päivä. Toivottavasti Deenalla on kivaa!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Only for Allah

I have posted this once before somewhere, but today i thought of this again and felt like telling yall this story one more time. 

Suomennos tulee jonain päivänä :D

Nowdays many people seem to forget what is really important. They think of property, matter in general, money, their looks and such things. Serving Allah (subhanahuwata'ala) is rarely the first thing in people's minds. It scares me to see that around me every day. So I searched for this story that I heard once a long time ago.

There was a pious man among the Banu Israel who always remained busy in the worship of Allah. A group of people came to him and told him that a tribe living nearby worshiped a tree. The news upset him, and with an axe on his shoulder he went to cut down that tree.

On the way, Satan met him in the form of an old man and asked him where he was going. He said he was going to cut a particular tree. Satan said, "You have nothing to be concerned with this tree, you better mind your worship and do not give it up for the sake of something that does not concern you." "This is also worship," retorted the worshiper.

Then Satan tried to prevent him from cutting the tree, and there followed a fight between the two, in which the worshiper overpowered the Satan. 
Finding himself completely helpless, Satan begged to be excused, and when the worshiper released him, he again said, "Allah has not made the cutting of this tree obligatory on you. You do not lose anything if you do not cut it. If its cutting were necessary, Allah could have got it done through one of his many Prophets."

The worshiper insisted on cutting the tree. There was again a fight between the two and again the worshiper overpowered the Satan. "Well listen," said Satan, "I propose a settlement that will be to your advantage." The worshipper agreed, and Satan said, "You are a poor man, a mere burden on this earth. If you stay away from this act, I will pay you three gold coins everyday. You will daily find them lying under your pillow. By this money you can fulfill your own needs, can oblige your relative, help the needy, and do so many other virtuous things. Cutting the tree will be only one virtue, which will ultimately be of no use because the people will grow another tree." 

This proposal appealed to the worshiper, and he accepted it. He found the money on two successive days, but on the third day there was nothing. He got enraged, picked up his axe and went to cut the tree. Satan as an old man again met him on the way and asked him where he was going. "To cut the tree," shouted the worshiper. "I will not let you do it," said Satan.

A fight took place between the two again but this time Satan had the upper hand and overpowered the worshiper.
The latter was surprised at his own defeat, and asked the former the cause of his success. Satan replied, "At first, your anger was purely for earning the pleasure of Allah, and therefore Almighty Allah helped you to overpower me, but now it has been partly for the sake of the gold coins and therefore you lost."

Source: From the book "Ihyaa-ul Uloom Ud Deen" by Imam Ghazzali (ra)

Monday, August 8, 2011

summer is over? - kesä meni jo?

Time goes so fast these days.. I feel like summer just started and now autumn is coming already. Summers are so short in Finland.. First we wait for Spring to come for half year in the cold and snow, then when Summer comes, half of it is bad weather, the other half is good, and before we know it, it's gone.

The weather has got cooler day by day since August started, and last night we had some heavy rain too. I know many people are actually happy about this, because it's Ramadan, and we have to fast soooo long days, 18½ hours, so it's maybe a bit easier at least when it's not too hot. Unfortunately I haven't been able to fast, because of medication and some health conditions. May Allah make is easy for those, who can! Ameen
Today I took the kids to the adventure park and it was too cold to play with the water. Well, they enjoyed their day anyway, there's plenty of other things to do. I wonder if there will be warmer days anymore. I don't want to give up on the summer yet!

Next week the school starts again. Donjana is going on the third grade inshaAllah and I can't believe that Deena is starting the first grade too. I'm gonna stand on the school yard next Tuesday with tears in my eyes again. This will be my fifth time, when I take my child to school on the first day, but I still get all emotional of the idea.. ♥ 

Aika kuluu niin nopeaan..Ihan kuin kesä ois just alkanut, ja nyt on taas jo syksy tulossa. Suomen kesät on niin lyhyitä. Ensin odotetaan puoli vuotta kylmän ja lumen keskellä kevään tuloa, sit kun kesä tulee puolet on sateista, puolet hyvää, ja ennen kuin huomataan, se on ohi.

Heti kun elokuu alkoi, sää viileni ja tuli syksyn tuntua ilmaan. Moni on siitä iloinen, koska on Ramadan ja paastopäivät on hirvittävän pitkiä. viileämpi sää tekee sen edes vähän helpommaksi. Mulle pitkät päivät on ihan mahdottomia paastota, kun on otettava lääkkeet ja muutenkaan terveys ei tykkää näin pitkistä paastopäivistä. Tehköön Allah paaston helpoksi niille, jotka paastoavat! Ameen.

Tänään vein lapset seikkailupuistoon. Oli ihan liian viileää vesileikkeihin, mut onneksi siellä on paljon muutakin tekemistä, eikä aika tule pitkäksi. Saa nähdä, tuleeko enää lämpimämpiä päiviä. En haluaisi antaa vielä periksi syksylle!

Ensi viikolla alkaa koulut. Donjana menee kolmannelle luokalle, ja tuntuu uskomattomalta, että pikku-Deena aloittaa ekaluokan. Siellä sitä sit taas seistään koulun pihalla vetistelemässä. Siis mä seison. Kummaa, vaikka oon jo viides kerta kun vien lapseni kouluun ekan, edelleenkin vaan tunteet nousee pintaan.

Happy end of summer yall!
Hyvää loppukesää kaikille!

My dear, dear friend. Rakas ystävä..

As yall know, I haven't really been blogging for such a long time, but now something happened and that got me to come and make a post. 

My dear friend and sister in Islam lost her father and brother yesterday in Liby in the battle of Bir al-Ghanem. May Allah grant them the highest Jannah and give a lot of sabr to the whole family. Ameen.

My friend is only half of my age, but she has taught me more about Islam than anyone else in this world. I don't know how many times I turned to her when I needed answer to some question, or needed support, and I always got the answer from her and she knows exactly what to say. Her father must have been a great man mashaAllah, to raise a daughter like her.

Rakas ystäväni ja sisareni Islamissa menetti eilen isänsä ja veljensä Libyassa, Bir al-Ghanemin taistelussa. Allahin siunausta heille ja voimia koko perheelle Ameen.

Ystäväni on mua puolet nuorempi, mutta on silti opettanut mulle uskonnosta enemmän kuin kukaan muu ikinä. En edes muista, miten monta kertaa olen kääntynyt hänen puoleensa kun on ollut kysyttävää, tai olen kaivannut neuvoja. Häneltä on aina löytynyt vastaus ja hän osaa sanoa juuri ne oikeat sanat. Hänen isänsä on täytynyt olla mahtava ihminen, kun on kasvattanut sellaisen tyttären.

Fautma, you and your family are in my duas! 
Perheesi on rukouksissani, Fautma!

what has happened here :O

Something got me to come back here to post, and what did I see? Alllll my pictures gone, subhanaAllah.. Well.. that means a lot of posts without pictures.. I will not have time or patience to re-load every picture on this blog. that means: forget my old posts or read between the question marks.. InshaAllah I'll be back with many new posts and pictures anyway.. 

So welcome back to my blog yall!

Maybe now, when I kinda need to start all over again, I should do this with bilingual too, as many of my friends and family members don't understand English. So, I will also blog in Finnish from now and on..

Eli kai se on pakko alkaa kirjoitella myös suomeksi, että kaikki kaverit ja sukulaisetkin ymmärtää.
Olin aika pitkään pois täältä, ja sillä aikaa mun kaikki kuvat oli kadonneet johonkin. Mun vanhat jutut voi siis unohtaa, kun niistä puuttuu kokonaan kuvitus. Lukea toki saa tietenkin, jos joku vaan viitsii.

Tervetuloa siis tänne myös tällä kotimaisella.